

Affiliated to the Goa University, the Goa College of art is a four-year course in visual Art, at the end of which a student is conferred with a degree in B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Art), in the specialized programmes of Painting & Applied Art.

The syllabus for the B.F.A. Degree course has been planned to provide a gradual entry into the complexities of visual language and communication.

The course structure begins with one year foundation fallowed by three years of specialization.

During the second year of Painting/Applied Art course, the candidate undergoes basic training in the respective branch of specialization and in later two years the candidates are allowed to experiment further through projects and fieldwork. 




Course Objective

The syllabus for the B.F.A. Degree   Course   in   the   discipline   of   Painting / Applied Art has been planned to provide a gradual entry into   the complexities of Visual Art beginning with the fundamentals and leading to the creation and usage of visual language and communication.

The First Year B.F.A. is to be treated as an intensive introductory programme to make students recognize and employ the wide variety of mediums (pencil, water based, oil, synthetic colours, dry pastels, inks, etc.), tools (including the hands and the variety of brushes specifically related to each medium of colouration), and the skills required for optimum results, through experiencing and experimentation.  

After successfully passing the First Year Examination, the candidate will be eligible for admission to the Second Year Advance Course. The Second year B.F.A. is to be treated as the year of consolidation of all practical experiences gained through study and usage of mediums, tools and skills at the foundation level. Students learn to express through the study of nature, natural and man made objects, use of imagination and mental resources to create meaningful/subjective/suggestive compositions based on a variety of themes/subjects/ /situations.

This is also the year of selective involvement in the two streams offered at the degree level, namely, Painting and Applied Art. Through a study of various subjects, the student’s practical aptitude towards a specific specialization is observed, identified and chosen for further study at the Third and Final Year graduation level.

In the Third Year B.F.A., the student decides on his subject of specialization in the chosen stream.  Having familiarized himself with Visual Art through various subjects in the Second Year and having acquired the necessary skills, he is now best able to understand his own practical aptitude and preferences enough to select his subject of specialization in whichever the stream he has chosen. 

Besides the specialization subject, the student will also have to continue with the mainstream subject of the course chosen - which is, Design (I & II) in the Applied Art Stream and Painting (I & II) in the Painting Stream. This combination of a primary subject and a specialization permits the student to focus on a specific medium of expression of his choice, and at the same time allows him to explore the possibilities in his chosen field.  

The Fourth Year B.F.A. is to be treated as an extension of the Third Year. The student undertakes intensive study in his chosen specialization and is allowed to freely express his individuality while doing so.  It is also a year in which the student is exposed to the contemporary field/industry through field projects and interactive assignments.  This not only gives him the necessary awareness and experience, it also instills in him the confidence to face the challenges in the field.